Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Curiously Good Movie...

So, Heather and I decided to have a date day and went to have lunch then to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

This movie was both heart warming and heart breaking. Brad Pitt gave an amazing performance of a man growing younger. Cate Blanchett also did really well as the title characters love interest. The cast was amazing. This is definitely one of those carpe diem movies. I am most definitely a fan of those movies. All around a great movie that I would recommend. I think for those that liked Forest Gump they will enjoy this movie. While very different in storyline it is the same idea. Going through a persons entire life via a story. Now Benjamin Button's life was nothing like Gumps. I am not sure about winning an Oscar but it will probably get a few nominations. 

On a completely different note, Happy New Year to everybody! I hope 2009 is filled with excitment and blessings. 
I do have one question: Why on earth did CNN decide it was good idea to have Kathy Griffin on their network to host a New Years Eve show with Anderson Cooper? This woman is not funny. Oh well who watches CNN on New Years Eve anyway? 

All for now...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A New Hobby...

Well H and I got a PS3 for Christmas. I told my parents I wanted a Blu-Ray disc player and they one upped it. Awesome! We also got Lego Batman and we've become addicted. It is sad but true. However, this game is so much fun!

Monday, December 22, 2008

That feeling...

I am walking down the cold sidewalk towards the stack of metal boxes. Soon, I will turn my little bronze key and reveal something, hopefully. What could it be today? I can't wait to find out!

 How could a stupid task bring so much joy? I mean maybe it is the element of surprise that sends me reeling. I just love to hear, "Hey, go check the mail". I am a complete and total weirdo. I admit it the weirdness but I love checking the mail. I think I may need to go to a support group. I mourn Sundays and Federal Holidays. The mail is a little escape. I mean most of the time it is a bill reminding me I have no money or a credit card offer to suck away non-existent money. Honestly, I don't care I just like checking the mail. I think secretly that is why I always feel out offers for free crap and have it mailed to me. So, someday there will be something in there. I also believe that netflix was a brilliant idea. I mean yes movies but MAIL! 
Of course there is a great dillemia in the mailbox. The mailing of things. I will check the mail but remembering to mail something is next to impossible.

There is no thrill in hearing, "You've got mail!". There is only thrill in turning the key and seeing the crisp envelopes!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fortunately we've reached the finale of fall finals!

I am done with finals. I AM DONE WITH FINALS! I am so stoked. I graduate in about 5 months. I am so pumped. I can't believe it. School is awesome and I've really liked it. It will however be nice to get away for a while. Of course I am the dorky kid who took his last final yesterday and I've already read over a 100 pages in a book. I am reading I Was Told There'd be Cake by Sloane Crosley. I just love these type of memoir essay style books. I don't know why I just do. Oh well, I may actually blog more now that school is out. Christmas is 6 days away!

Monday, December 8, 2008

What's the happening...?

So, I am not an avid fan of Mtv in fact I pretty much could do without the entirety of the network. They used to play music videos. Well, I heard recently that they cancelled TRL. Now this show started when I was about 12 or so. I used to come home after school and watch the top ten videos. Now, I didn't always agree but it was at least music and music videos. Seriously, this network has eliminated the M in from their line up. So, I suppose that the executives over at Viacom change the name. So, I am think Useless Crap Television or UCTV. Oh or we are not done promoting creepy flesh colored beards Television or WNDPCFCBTV. Any suggestions?

Monday, December 1, 2008

School and all that jazz...

Well school honestly takes up so much of my time I have a hard time blogging. So, what has been going on. School is over in 2 weeks and then I have 1 more semester. I am so pumped to be graduating in May. Of course I'll have a BA in English but I refuse to make excuses for the degree I've worked my butt off for. People think the only thing I can do is teach. While teaching will be great my degree isn't just for teaching. We'll see where God leads H and I. Of course I never realized that going to an emerging church and an evangelical college at the same time the two would be at odds with each other. This is very frustrating. Everything they teach lines up with what we are taught a church. I think just because we call things different things we are some how bad people. Advent means coming what is an Invasion? Robb preaches,teaches, and other things so what is wrong with saying he narrates? These are words. Words that better fit 2008 and yet they can't move past them. Oh well. I should probably get back to school work! Hope all is well for my 3 or 4 readers. : )

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am just going to say that sometimes I put in a lot of effort and don't get an "A" and this makes me so mad. I know it shouldn't it just does. I am so ready for this semester to be over. I graduate in May and quite frankly I am ready. Of course when June roles around I'll probably want to go to school. Right now I am trying to figure out if I should get a masters degree or just join the work force. I am just exhausted. 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Act 1

Seriously, what is wrong with my state? Why do we want to hurt foster children? Act 1 is a load of crap that passed. I hope that it is repealed and soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Long time no blog...

Well the election is over. I am happy it is over. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


They truly hurt my head. I keep doing research on both candidates and honestly I have no clue who to vote for. I am leaning one way. Their VP choices were just bad. Sarah Palin, I am not a fan. Joe Biden, whatever. Seriously.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Flight of the Conchords

These guys crack me up. Here is one of my favorites by them. Video. 


They hurt my head...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor/ Movie Day...

It was really nice to spend a day at home. H and I enjoyed today by watching four movies. We watched Smart People which was really interesting definitely an indie film. Then we watched Balls of Fury. This movie was in no way funny at all. Then we watched Dead Silence. I am not a fan of scary movies but this one was at least tolerable but not scary. Then we wrapped up the marathon with The Waitress. I really enjoyed this movie. Oh well tomorrow it is back to school! I hope that everyone in the Gulf is okay and my prayers go out to them.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Stupidly Funny...

So, I know that I shouldn't but I thought this movie was freaking hysterical!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Back to school. Back to school. Got to prove to daddy I'm not a fool. Just kidding that is from Billy Madison. However, school did start back today. I think so far I'm mostly excited about my American Lit class. Yeah! School! Yes, I am that big of a dork.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Well Friday, Saturday, and Sunday H was sick. Well guess what I got last night? Whatever she had. Boo! I just hope it goes away before school starts on Wednesday.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well today was a pretty awesome day. First Heather and I finally went back to church. Wow! I really needed to go back. I didn't realize how much I actually missed it. The people were great as always. Robb's message was really awesome. It just felt nice.

After church H and I ate with her family. Then some of us went and saw the Dark Knight. H and I had already seen it but agreed it was a lot better the second time around. I don't know how that is possible but it really was.

Then we went to dinner at my parents. Came home and watched some Olympics. All and all a good day.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olympics and what not...

I like watching the Olympics. Not every event but I just really like the idea of them. I can't believe it is August already. I'm so ready for school to start back. Of course I am back on the job hunt too. Joy! Well, that is all for now.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I miss school...

So, this summer has been interesting. Our fun vacation was almost ruined by my brother. My fun summer job has been anything but. I am ready to get back to school. To get back to those people. To have a challenge. I'm sure after a week or two. I be longing for Thanksgiving break. Now, I really just am ready for school. God willing this will be my last year of undergrad. I am both excited and scared about taking the GRE and pursuing a Masters degree. Yikes. Oh well.

Monday, July 14, 2008

North Carolina...

I was born in NC. I left when I was about 6. I think it is a beautiful place. These are pictures of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Blog Without Posts...

So, I apparently I never post anymore. Joy! Actually, it has been hard to post lately. I've been working about 40 hours a week. So, I normally don't feel like it. This Friday H and I are heading to NC for a week. I am excited. Hopefully, when I get back I can work a little less and maybe not work on Sundays. Going to church would be nice. Oh well I'll post more later.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm turning 23 tomorrow. I'm excited but what is 23? I decided to google the number and press the "feeling lucky" button. This is what I got: Link
So, I guess that is oddly appropriate I feel sometimes I am an enigma.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


My feet can feel every pebble on the gravel lot. I know that I have I walked across this place before. There is an old warehouse near me. A familiar glass door. Through the door I know there is a familiarity. Posters of obscure bands. People who know my name and maybe more. Yet I can't go through the door. What is holding me back? It is a fear I can't express. It is an anxiety I have known before. Yet this place shouldn't be a source of apprehension. It should be a place of comfort. Maybe all I need to do is open the door. Maybe...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David Cook...

He Won! I am so excited. He definitely deserved it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What's Going On...

Heather and I will be celebrating a year of marriage next Monday. This is pretty cool. It definitely has been an awesome year. I mean we had our ups and downs but all in all pretty awesome.

I got a job! I am pumped! I will be starting at Borders next week! It seems that it'll be a great fit for me.

So, since American Idol will be ending tomorrow. I am thankful. This show is a guilty pleasure of mine. A few posts back I said it was the battle of the Davids. Here we are. Honestly, I think between the two David Cook has the talent. He honestly doesn't have to win because past winner doesn't equal successful. Honestly, Archuletta seems like a robot. Not a fan. By the way he could sing the phone book but no one would buy that. Also, I believe Carly was a better singer than him. Honestly, he sang imagine again. Well, whatever to that. Maybe he'll be like those past winners whose total album sales don't equal Chris Daughtry's (a third place contestant) sales. Honestly, beside Carrie Underwood, Jordan Sparks, and Kelly Clarkson what winners have done well? Rubin? Fantasia? Taylor? These "winners" have done poorly. Oh, well. Archuletta just creeps me out. So, more power to the robot boy. Do you ever think that Simon bashes the person he thinks will be voted off? That way he looks good? I am not saying Cook is flawless but Archuletta has pitch problems all the time and seriously what kind of crap CD will he make? It can't be POP. The boy has no rhythm. He ruined that Chris Brown song. At least Cook is original. Oh well.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Going Ons...

Well looking for a job is both fun and exhausting. I have applied at Lowe's, Borders, Flying Burrito, Buffalo Wild Wings. So, far I have interviewed at Lowe's once and Borders twice. I am really hoping for the job at Borders. It is right up my alley.

I am working on writing a couple of things. I have this weird idea about a bridge. I also am writing a kid's book about Pluto. I have decided I prefer to write by hand than type on a computer. It is more Rowling than Kerouac. Oh well.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


So, H and I had our last final for the semester today. So, we are officially done until Autumn. I am stoked. I mean I have to get a summer job but I should be graduating next May. This is crazy and exciting. I plan on reading lots of fun books this summer and generally relaxing. That is how for now...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Battle of the Two Davids...

Seriously, there are two contestants on American Idol right now named David. David Cook, the rocker. David Archuleta the puppet. Honestly, I am very very tired of Archuleta. This kid picks the same crap week in and week out. Oh let's see Archuleta is going to sing something sensitive and try to belt it out. Check. At least Cook changes the song and makes them his own. I realize that I am not a 12 year old girl and therefore don't get Archuletta's appeal. So, go Cook!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just Finals...

So, I haven't blogged in a while. School. It gets the best of you. However, today was the last day of classes and next week Finals then summer freedom! H and I are getting summer jobs. It should be fun. I only have 1 year left. I am excited. That is all for now...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

American Idol...

Last night I had play rehearsal till 11pm. The play is this Friday and Saturday at JBU. The show starts at 7 pm and we're the second 1 act play. Tickets are first come first serve and only 5 dollars. Rehearsal went well. I think we finally found our flow.

When I got home from rehearsal Heather and I decided to watch American Idol. First, let me say that Mariah Carey is an amazing vocalist. Second, why did they pick her? That isn't really fair to the contestants. Of course then again it is a challenge. So, of course David Archuletta picked "When you Believe" seriously spare me. I am so over this kid. He is a one trick pony. Oh well. However, I thought that once again David Cook was the best. He is by far the most talented and one of the few that made the song his own. I wish that Kristy or Syeshia would just go away. That sounds mean but honestly they are boring. I like Brooke and Carly a lot too.

Today is my only day not to have rehearsal. Then tomorrow more rehearsal. Friday and Saturday the show. Joy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

I like to dance like a chicken...

Okay not really but sometimes when I'm bored I like to say random things. They prompt me to write something silly and sometimes deep. More the former than the latter. So, I really don't like to dance like a chicken. In fact that chicken song they play at weddings is annoying. It was banned from Heather and my wedding. Seriously, it is so weird. In fact the animal that my dancing gets compared to is a gopher. Now, I've never actually seen a gopher dance so I'm going to assume that that isn't a nice comparison. Anyway, that is enough of the dancing nonsense.

I used to want to runaway and live in a cave in Ireland. I really wanted to do this mostly so when I came back to America I could have a cool Irish accent. I really love that accent. In fact I often pretend that I am Irish and talk with the accent. I personally think it is pretty good. Of course put me in Ireland and we'll see.

So, play rehearsal is going okay. I am just really hoping we nail it. It is an amazing script and I just want to do it justice. The play could come across two ways. Ridiculously unbelievable or Amazingly poignant. It is all in the delivery. Clearly, the latter is the goal. The show is next Friday and Saturday night. I'm freaking out.

Heather sprained her foot this week. She fell at school and that all culminated into a trip to the ER. They were very nice and Heather is on some good pain meds.

School is getting ready to end. I'm thankful. I have to take a CLEP test this summer for Spanish. BOO! However, by doing this I can graduate in May! This is exciting. Wow. So, I think that is all for now. I'm sure this is exciting to all of you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Idol

So, I was shocked and impressed that Idol opened tonight with Shout to the Lord. It didn't make a lot of sense but I appreciated it. Still it was odd. Anyway, Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown were awesome. So, Michael Johns went home. I don't mind this so much. I mean yes other people should have gone home before him but the way that it was handled was very disrespectful. I mean I assume that Ryan gets his lines hand fed to him but that was just tactless. The whole thing about building him up then crushing him, mean. Oh well. I really like David Cook, Carly, and Brooke. Here is to next week.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Into the Wild...

Heather and I decided to stay in tonight. We rented Into the Wild and wow. This is a powerful story. I know it is based on a true story and a novel but I had never read it. I heard about the movie last year when it came to theatres but it slipped under the radar. However, now that I have seen it I am going to recommend it to everyone.

Friday, April 4, 2008

3 Weeks...

There I am, once again, staring at the blank page before me. No this isn't Natasha Bedingfield. I am trying to write one of the many papers for school. Sometimes, I feel like with every paper I am slowly getting more dumb. I realize the point of the research paper is too learn more about a specific topic. However, I think that once my brain has this new information it kicks something out. So, now my head is full of facts about Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and random Native American Literature novels. Yet, I seem to have forgotten how to walk. Oh well this is the price you pay.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Close but no cigar...

So, I am very excited. Heather and I want a Mac. However, we are in college and poor. So, we are saving money up. Today though I downloaded the Safari browser for Windows. I also have an object bar that simulates the Mac bar. It isn't the same but it at least feels somewhat cool. 

Rehearsal is going well but the play is quickly approaching two weeks to go! School is over in 4 then I need to get a summer job. Joy. Oh well more later.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Let the Rain Come Down...

So, JBU's sidewalks flood when it rains a lot. Apparently so do some of the dorms. Yikes! Any way lots of rain here.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Here some pics of us moving. The last is our new bedroom!

Musical Pranks...

Inspired by Robb's blog here are two more funny musical videos...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So, American Idol

Okay, so I am a huge fan of American Idol. Perhaps a guilty pleasure. My top 3 are Carly, David Cook, and Brooke. Seriously, David C singing Billie Jean blew my mind. I loved it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So, instead of moving to Siloam Springs Heather and I are moving tomorrow to Springdale. It cuts our drive down to half the time! So, it isn't perfect but it is the most affordable option we have right now. I hope I will be graduating next May. So, here we go...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Miss Cleo...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

So, yeah for St. Patrick's Day nothing like driving the snakes out of Ireland and getting drunk on green beer!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Funny because it is true

This makes me laugh

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Random Thoughts...

So, I know that it doesn't matter but I am so freaking glad that American Idol decided to change their introduction. Their old one was well crappy from the first season on. I am glad they changed it. Ryan and Simon are really getting on my nerves. They either need to just kiss and get it over with or stop nit picking at one another. It is old. This season seems to have some amazing talent. Funny even vote for the worst things that Amanda Overmyer is the worst. She is actually really talented. She may not sing the kind of music I enjoy but she is really good. So, they can't even find someone to pick on. Last night I thought by far Carly and Brooke were the best. I think that Kristy will be going home after trying to make a Beatles' song country.

I have decided that I want an Imac. They are awesome.

Heather and I are moving... again! That is right so since we got married we will have moved not 1 not 2 but 5 times. We are crazy. We are actually moving back to Siloam to be closer to school and now we actually have friends there!

It finally happened. I miss church. I need to go. I miss the people. I miss hanging with Robb and just being around people that are genuinely trying to make church a place to belong.

Well, last and least, I wish this stupid cold/flu thing would go away.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a cute Video...

Check it out...

I am sick boo!

So, I spent the weekend in Nashville at Belmont University for a debate tournament. It was a lot of fun! Our JBU team took 3rd overall! Way to go guys! I went as an assistant. I got to judge and stuff. It was a blast. I can't wait to join the team next year. Of course on Saturday I started coughing and my sinuses were acting up a lot. Now here it is Tuesday and I have been in bed since yesterday afternoon. I hate being sick. I am sure everyone does but it annoys me so much. I am hoping I'll feel better tomorrow so I can go back to school. Next week is Spring Break!! Woo. Well that is all for now.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Academy Awards

So, I thought John Stewart was a good host. He is funny and likable. I really enjoyed it. I honestly didn't get to watch most of the movies that were nominated for best picture. I actually only saw Juno. I was glad it won for best original screenplay. I was secretly hoping it would win best picture because comedies rarely do. Oh well. I guess I am going to have to go see No Country for Old Men since it did so well tonight. I will just have to wait and see. Well good night for now.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


So, honestly I feel like God hates me sometimes. I know that that is completely illogical in theory but honestly. In my day to day life lately I feel like God is either completely absent or playing around like I am some pawn in His epic game of chess. So, I realize that I am sounding like a martyr but whatever. Honestly, I need to vent. I have always used writing as a tool. I feel like I am just fighting Him constantly. I am just tired. I am tired. Can I just say I am tired. I feel like God is picking on me. I know that He isn't vindictive but honestly I feel he is vindictive. I am just not happy with him. I can't be. I feel angry most of the time. I think He can take anger. What I don't think is good or healthy is how slowly but surely I am feeling completely numb towards Him. Why? No one ever told me how hard things were going to be. I demand honesty. Seriously, I am so tired of Christian sugar coating every loving thing. Guess what lying people? Things are not easy! Why on earth can people not be honest. I demand honesty. I want everyone to know that I know God loves me. However, knowing this and feeling it are two completely different things. Right now I feel completely lost. I feel like all this fighting and striving to live the "christian" life is in vain. That is right. I am the good kid who always did the "right" thing. Now, I am a man and feel like nothing I did was remotely worth it. It hurts so bad. I feel like a lot of good things are happening then I just wait for the rug to be pulled out. I finally have a good friend but I feel like I am doing most of the work in the relationship. I am third or fourth on his agenda. He'll squeeze me in if it is convenient. Seriously? Seriously? After 7 years of praying for a male friend I get one and I am trying to be a great friend and getting half assed efforts in return. Bull Shit! I finally find the perfect woman and my struggles almost jeopardize our marriage. Seriously. Bull Shit. I want to run away. I use to always joke about running to a cave in Ireland. Damn it I might just book the flight. Oh wait that would imply that I wasn't going to school and able to actually make money. Oh and then there is school. What a mess that is. Oh I love it there most of the time but it is really hard. Harder than they ever let on. Also, because H and I are married, transfer students, who live off campus we are a fucking enigma. It hurts. I just feel like we are fighting the world on everything and God left. I am pissed off. I don't get it. I wish because after hoping and praying wishing seems like the only thing left. I wish I felt like a whole human being. I wish I didn't feel like at every turn I was going to mess up. I wish I had more emotion than just anger. I want to cry because I am losing my grip. Hell who am I kidding? I haven't ever really had a grip. God could you please show me something? God please? I am begging you. Are my words really in VAIN?!

I Got The Part!!

So, I am very excited. I tried for a play earlier this week and I got the lead guy part! There are only two characters so I am pretty excited. The play is the Stonewater Rapture and it is really intense. I am so excited to be back on the stage! I'll let you know more details about when and where the play will be when I know. Woo Hoo!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Bookstore...

There were stacks of books everywhere. I saw shelves side by side oozing with knowledge. These stories weren't my own but their author was inviting me in. I could pick any book. The thick one about a Russian. The short play about the Donne Scholar who is struck with cancer. I find the one by the laguna tribe member inviting us to her Ceremony. Or I could pick up the strange looking one. The one that looks so familiar but yet so distant. The leather cover is worn but still young. The pages are from all different periods. I read stories that are mine. I quickly flip to the back in anticipation. There I find the words telling of a young man standing in a bookstore. I realize this is my book. I am scared, is it out there for anyone to read? Or am I priveleged to see the art being created? I look at the book and smile. Soon it will be full with more wonderful stories than I ever could imagine. I will come back to this book and reflect but for now I am going to fill its pages.

Monday, February 18, 2008

So, today was a really good day. Mondays are often viewed as bad days. I have never really understood this notion but it seems to be pretty common. I think that Monday is like any other day. We had an awesome New Testament class. Dr. Castleman was on the ball and just a really good class. I also found out today that I can audition for an upcoming student produced play. There are only two parts so I am not sure I'll get one but I haven't acted in a long time on stage. I think it has been at least two years since I tried out for anything. I am excited and nervous. The auditions are Wednesday so I hope to just get back in the swing of things. Woo Hoo!

So, I will blog more later!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Today is Valentine's Day... Yes! I finally have grasped the obvious!

So, today is Valentine's Day. People make a big deal about it. Not sure why. I was told yesterday by a friend that it serves as a day for men to do something nice. I think that is probably true to some degree. Heather and I try to have date nights weekly doesn't always happen but most of the time. So, we will do something tonight or this weekend like usual.

On a side note haven't felt like blogging much lately. Heather and I have been fighting off the Flu for the past couple of weeks. Of course we have to fight off every illness floating on the campus of John Brown University.

Speaking of JBU. This week we had Franklin Graham come to visit. He is Billy's son. He was a great story teller. However, JBU hyped it like crazy. So, it felt like it should have been more. Franklin is cool and all but a little to Southern Baptist for my taste. Of course I still love my little interdenominational school despite their attempts at chapel. They just seem to miss the mark. Often. Of course I love it here and I take the good with the bad.

So, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Grammys

Well, I like award shows. I always have. The Grammys and the Academy Awards being my favorite. When I was younger I use to go to my room and watch them. My parents never really liked them. I am not sure what it is but I loved them. So, I was really excited that we were going to get an actual award show for the 50th Grammys. However, they were o.k. Nothing really was super fantastic. I mean they made this big deal about Amy Winehouse but really the girl needs help not an award. Kayne was okay and it was nice that he sang to his mom and all but with that ego I often wonder about him. They nixed many of the presentations for performances. Cool but I wanted some pretty awesome performances. The men seemed all but ignored this year too. Where was Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, and many others. So all in all they were okay.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Battle of Wills...

So, I am in church today and having a difficult time concentrating. My mind is fluttering back in forth between the sermon. The concrete floor and a memory. I know I should concentrate on the words but the memory is not letting me have my way...

... It is windy. I am not sure if it was a windy day or the fact we were by a major airport. We were walking through a field toward a high fence. Barbed wire lined the top letting us know that this tall fence was not to be climbed. We had no intention of climbing it. What our intentions were would soon be clear. We walked through tall grass and upon emerging on the other side we saw what appeared to be a camp ground. Tents were lined up for probably the length of a football field. The only thing weird was these tents were dirty. Filthy would be a better adjective. People were walking around and they too were filthy. We came upon a tent city that our guide knew well. At 17 it was intimidating but we were here to bring them food. We passed out the sack lunches to all the people then we got to speak with a few of them. A older black man with few teeth was cracking jokes but another man with long white, well that is an assumption it was matted and very dirty, hair was very serious. His bushy beard covered his face but in his eyes, his pale blue eyes, mist was swirling. The mist swirled as he fought is own conscious. He started to tell us about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. This wasn't like those commercials that tell you to just say "no" or something catchy. This guy didn't fry an egg or anything silly. He was telling us how it destroyed his life. He lost his wife and kids. They had given up on him. He had gone in and out of rehab. He just couldn't get his act together. He just couldn't. He said that his daughter knew and loved Jesus and so did he. He just couldn't figure out how the two could work together. He wanted to stop. He wanted to meet his grandchildren. He wanted to praise Jesus without this nagging need for a fix. He also wanted to do a line of coke or drop acid. He was torn. In his eyes I saw a battle a battle I had felt in my heart for years. No, I didn't want drugs but I too struggled with the chains of habitual sin.

... I snap back. I am reminded of Paul and the "thorn in his flesh" and how he too struggled with something. He never said what but I think his ambiguity is on purpose. I could tell you my specific sin in this instance but I don't have too. Why? Because we all have something we have to overcome everyday. I was just reminded of this story because I don't want to find myself in a tent city with next to no hope wrestling with the same sin. Does that mean I get healed and I never wrestle it again? No, I don't think that is what God intends for me. I do know that I have a choice. A tough choice everyday. I can indulge myself or I can not. My choice is daily.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Blogging as Therapy...?

So, when I need to refocus energy and get my head back on straight I like to journal. I saw a counselor once and he told me that this was actually a great idea. So, I think that I am going to try it out on my blog. Obviously, there are somethings I don't need to share with the whole world wide web but hopefully being brutally honest will also help me and maybe others. Not that I think that the whole internet reads my blog. So, that is all for now.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back to "normal"...

School starts this week! I am so excited. I have always loved school. I am one of those dorks who actually loves the smell of books. There is a place in Portland, Oregon called Powell's and it is like a personal heaven. It is the biggest bookstore I have ever been to. It has old and new books. It smells so good. Sorry for the sidebar. It is just mmm good. School starting is exciting because there is some kind of routine and you get to learn about some pretty cool things. One class I am really excited about this semester is Native American Literature. I have very little knowledge of this area and I am excited to learn. I am also beginning a work study so I will be working on campus. So, I am a dork and yeah for school.