Monday, December 1, 2008

School and all that jazz...

Well school honestly takes up so much of my time I have a hard time blogging. So, what has been going on. School is over in 2 weeks and then I have 1 more semester. I am so pumped to be graduating in May. Of course I'll have a BA in English but I refuse to make excuses for the degree I've worked my butt off for. People think the only thing I can do is teach. While teaching will be great my degree isn't just for teaching. We'll see where God leads H and I. Of course I never realized that going to an emerging church and an evangelical college at the same time the two would be at odds with each other. This is very frustrating. Everything they teach lines up with what we are taught a church. I think just because we call things different things we are some how bad people. Advent means coming what is an Invasion? Robb preaches,teaches, and other things so what is wrong with saying he narrates? These are words. Words that better fit 2008 and yet they can't move past them. Oh well. I should probably get back to school work! Hope all is well for my 3 or 4 readers. : )