Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Beautiful Night

So, I don't know if you all know this but I have the most amazing wife in the world. Seriously, she is beautiful, smart, and fun. When we were first friends we used to drive all over North West Arkansas, listen to music, and just talk. We talked about everything. So, tonight we decided to have a kind of date night. We went to dinner and then saw Evan Almighty. In between dinner and the movie we drove around got some coffee and just hung out. I love hanging out with my wife. Then we saw Evan Almighty which turned out to be not so bad. This movie is kind of the modern day Noah's Ark stuff. Well, after the move we decided for the sake of old times to go to this really old one lane bridge in the middle of nowhere. So, we cranked up David Crowder Band's A Collision and headed out. As we were driving it was peaceful. It was actually cool enough for the windows to be down. THANK GOD! The smell of honey suckle filled the air. We drove by a little bunny as we praised God. Then a beautiful doe appeared out of the forest to greet us on our drive. Pleasantly, David Crowder's voice filled our car. We were having such a peaceful time. Then a dog ran full force after our car growling and barking. I was almost positive he was coming in the thing. However, we escaped this almost Kujo attack. This both scared us then made us laugh hysterically. The first night we ever went for a drive a dog scared us in almost the exact same way. It was an amazing night full of God's love and creatures and a wild dog.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It has been a while... AKA Enemy Number 1

So, it has been a while. Last week on Thursday Heather was at a book study she is doing through our church. Vintage Fellowship. It is awesome and everyone should go there. (Sidebar complete). So, I decided I would go and hang out with my parents and little brother. Well, my little brother has a razor scooter. These things are very fun right? WRONG!! O.K. actually they are fun. However, when you ride down a hill and try to use the break but hit the little trick bar. (If you look at the attached picture you will find the bar I am talking about.) Well, I hit that and I went flying. I slid on the sidewalk scuffed up my favorite shoes. I received a few "abrasions" as the doctor called them. Oh and I also twisted my knee really bad. Well, when Heather arrived home that evening I was hardly able to walk. When she came in though she immediately had to throw up. So, that evening was fun. EXTREMELY FUN! I couldn't take care of my sick wife and she couldn't take care of her gimpy husband.

Friday: So, Friday I am supposed to go to work but after lunch Heather and I decide that a trip to the doctor is in order and that the world of Christian retail can live without me for one day. Shocker I know! So, the doctor does X-rays and I didn't break anything. He tells me to stay off of it as much as possible. JOY! So, Heather pushes me around Wal-Mart in a wheel-chair so we can buy and ace bandage as the doc recommended. Like a good boy I stay off my knee but Friday at midnight is the release of the new Harry Potter. I can't miss that. Well, God bless my wife who doesn't really get the whole Potter-phenom took me to Wal-Mart and pushed me around again so I could by the seventh book. Well, because I am truly a dork I took off all weekend to read the book. That I did. I just had a great excuse to not get out of bed.

Thoughts on Harry: I am not going to ruin anything about the book because I think that is mean. I will say I was delighted and really enjoyed the final installment of the series. I wish J.K. Rowling all the luck in her next book as clearly she has amazing expectations to live up too. I wouldn't want those.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I believe that William Blake made a reference to the “mind-forged manacles”. Sometimes, I like Blake have created my own chains. I have limited my abilities from what I can actually do to what is the easiest for me to do. I claim to be this artsy person who loves to write. However, when time comes for me to sit down and write on a novel or even this blog I hesitate. What causes this overwhelming desire to be quenched by less than mediocrity? Is it the fact that I want so much to be this person that I fantasize I am? Who am I truly? This is always a tough question. Am I a “mark of woe”? I don’t believe so but I swear sometimes I feel that way. Yet no one in my life would EVER have me truly believe this of myself. I hate that I expect too much of people. I hate that when they fail me that I become slightly bitter. I want to keep my Anne Frank perspective but at the same time want so much to hate the Nazis. I struggle with the dichotomy of my life. Why can’t I find the indelible? Then I think the indelible. That is much to clear for my mind that longs for the blurry haze of life. I said earlier I long for the grey. I long to search my mind, heart, and soul for my opinion and not just bow to the majority. Does this mean that I intentionally go against the grain just to be seen as different? Sometimes maybe but honestly that is never my intention. So, in life I choose to forge my own path like Emerson. I pray the only fetter is the one that binds my heart to God.