Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Curiously Good Movie...

So, Heather and I decided to have a date day and went to have lunch then to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

This movie was both heart warming and heart breaking. Brad Pitt gave an amazing performance of a man growing younger. Cate Blanchett also did really well as the title characters love interest. The cast was amazing. This is definitely one of those carpe diem movies. I am most definitely a fan of those movies. All around a great movie that I would recommend. I think for those that liked Forest Gump they will enjoy this movie. While very different in storyline it is the same idea. Going through a persons entire life via a story. Now Benjamin Button's life was nothing like Gumps. I am not sure about winning an Oscar but it will probably get a few nominations. 

On a completely different note, Happy New Year to everybody! I hope 2009 is filled with excitment and blessings. 
I do have one question: Why on earth did CNN decide it was good idea to have Kathy Griffin on their network to host a New Years Eve show with Anderson Cooper? This woman is not funny. Oh well who watches CNN on New Years Eve anyway? 

All for now...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A New Hobby...

Well H and I got a PS3 for Christmas. I told my parents I wanted a Blu-Ray disc player and they one upped it. Awesome! We also got Lego Batman and we've become addicted. It is sad but true. However, this game is so much fun!

Monday, December 22, 2008

That feeling...

I am walking down the cold sidewalk towards the stack of metal boxes. Soon, I will turn my little bronze key and reveal something, hopefully. What could it be today? I can't wait to find out!

 How could a stupid task bring so much joy? I mean maybe it is the element of surprise that sends me reeling. I just love to hear, "Hey, go check the mail". I am a complete and total weirdo. I admit it the weirdness but I love checking the mail. I think I may need to go to a support group. I mourn Sundays and Federal Holidays. The mail is a little escape. I mean most of the time it is a bill reminding me I have no money or a credit card offer to suck away non-existent money. Honestly, I don't care I just like checking the mail. I think secretly that is why I always feel out offers for free crap and have it mailed to me. So, someday there will be something in there. I also believe that netflix was a brilliant idea. I mean yes movies but MAIL! 
Of course there is a great dillemia in the mailbox. The mailing of things. I will check the mail but remembering to mail something is next to impossible.

There is no thrill in hearing, "You've got mail!". There is only thrill in turning the key and seeing the crisp envelopes!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fortunately we've reached the finale of fall finals!

I am done with finals. I AM DONE WITH FINALS! I am so stoked. I graduate in about 5 months. I am so pumped. I can't believe it. School is awesome and I've really liked it. It will however be nice to get away for a while. Of course I am the dorky kid who took his last final yesterday and I've already read over a 100 pages in a book. I am reading I Was Told There'd be Cake by Sloane Crosley. I just love these type of memoir essay style books. I don't know why I just do. Oh well, I may actually blog more now that school is out. Christmas is 6 days away!

Monday, December 8, 2008

What's the happening...?

So, I am not an avid fan of Mtv in fact I pretty much could do without the entirety of the network. They used to play music videos. Well, I heard recently that they cancelled TRL. Now this show started when I was about 12 or so. I used to come home after school and watch the top ten videos. Now, I didn't always agree but it was at least music and music videos. Seriously, this network has eliminated the M in from their line up. So, I suppose that the executives over at Viacom change the name. So, I am think Useless Crap Television or UCTV. Oh or we are not done promoting creepy flesh colored beards Television or WNDPCFCBTV. Any suggestions?

Monday, December 1, 2008

School and all that jazz...

Well school honestly takes up so much of my time I have a hard time blogging. So, what has been going on. School is over in 2 weeks and then I have 1 more semester. I am so pumped to be graduating in May. Of course I'll have a BA in English but I refuse to make excuses for the degree I've worked my butt off for. People think the only thing I can do is teach. While teaching will be great my degree isn't just for teaching. We'll see where God leads H and I. Of course I never realized that going to an emerging church and an evangelical college at the same time the two would be at odds with each other. This is very frustrating. Everything they teach lines up with what we are taught a church. I think just because we call things different things we are some how bad people. Advent means coming what is an Invasion? Robb preaches,teaches, and other things so what is wrong with saying he narrates? These are words. Words that better fit 2008 and yet they can't move past them. Oh well. I should probably get back to school work! Hope all is well for my 3 or 4 readers. : )