Monday, November 19, 2007

Symbols, Signs, and Statements of Hate

Well first I am just going to state that I find the "rebel flag" offensive. I know that some people say it isn't a sign for racism and that is just "southern" pride. Why not have pride in the whole country? The Civil War ended over a hundred years ago perhaps it is time to let it go. So, my problem with this "southern" pride argument is that the swastika, most commonly known as the Nazi symbol, wasn't always a symbol of hate. It is a part of the Hindu religion and as a long past before Hitler used it as the banner for the slaughter of millions. Now, however, the swastika is a symbol of hatred and those displaying it are considered evil. Yet the "rebel flag" still pulls controversy. If it stands for racism to most people then guess what that is what it symbolizes. You may not think that the "rebel flag" is offensive but it is. You may be hindu and use the swastika in another way but it is still going to offend. Maybe I am way off base but this is what I think.

Another thing is why on earth do people feel it neccesary to make hateful comments? I can not tell you how many times in the past week I have heard the word "fag" used to put someone down or show some kind of superiority. Now, I am not sure but I figure the people that use this word so freely do not have any homosexual friends or they might hesitate in their use of this offensive word. I also witnessed racist assumption against a hispanic couple. It has been a trying week and ignorance abounds. I am not sure that I am the one to change it but it really bothers me.