Tuesday, October 30, 2007


What an oddly titled post right? Well, quite frankly I am just tired of my gender. For some reason if you do not fit in to societies norm of what a man is you are gay. Well, whatever. If you like fashion and try to follow the trends... gay. If you like decorating your If you like If you are If you are willing to show your Seriously? Why do people need to box you in? I just don't get it. So, I have accepted this and I don't care anymore. I am going to be me. Oh and by the way gay men are men no matter who they sleep with. A penis is the only thing that makes you a man.

Friday, October 26, 2007

When you least expect it...

People you help try to hurt you because they can't handle the truth the Lord has placed in their lives. It is too hard for them to realize that you are just doing what you feel is best. I guess some people need to have drama. You know I am a dramatic person. I love acting and being goofy and making things fun. I do not have time, however, for people you need bad drama in their lives. Why does everything need to be turned in to the end of the world? What I really don't understand is when people have kids why they can't put their drama aside to take care of those kids. I don't have kids and I have no idea how hard it is to raise them. I won't even pretend I do. I do think that those children don't need to live in a world of unnecessary drama. You have to buck up and get through for them. Easier said than done... but what isn't? I again don't have kids and could be speaking out of turn. I do know that children will emulate their parents and that should be cause enough to set a good example. I struggle to care for people who reach out for help and advice and then turn away and get mad because you tried to help. They didn't hear what they wanted to hear and now are trying to get mad at you to justify their actions. I just don't want to play that game.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Teen Group

Heather and I have the great fortune of leading a small group of teenagers at our church. Now, I mean small there are two people. Numbers really don't matter. We had an amazing discussion tonight about how God inspires us. He gives us our passion and we can use that to His glory. It was really exciting. I am glad I get to hang out with my wife and two extremely intelligent kids.

The Same Damn Thing...

Do you ever feel like the way you view life can sound like a broken record? Lately, I just feel busy. I feel like I tell people I am busy a lot. You know I am busy but I am so fortunate to be busy with the things I am busy with. I am able to go to a rigorous school and get an education. I am able to only have to get a part time job. I am fortunate to be living life with my best friend by my side. God has blessed me. So, I am adopting a new philosophy; just deal with it. I need to manage my time and proceed. God has provided amazingly.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Life is hectic...

Tonight, is the first night that I have not had homework all semester. Sadly, this statement isn't even true. Technically I am supposed to be reading some of The Republic by Plato. I have decided, however, that I will do it tomorrow. What does one do with a night off? I went to the library to get books for a Medieval Faire that is coming up. I had two test this week. Last week was midterms. I just feel really out of it. I am glad I can do nothing tonight. However, as I approach the doing "nothing" I realize I can't do nothing. Sad.

Update on life: Heather has had a migraine for the past couple of days. Boo! These wicked little headaches are just evil. She has pretty much been out of commission. I have two job opportunities coming up. The first is at Sprint which isn't terribly exciting but the hours are fantastic. Also, it is a small store. The second is at Barnes & Noble. Sounds great but it is in the Cafe which isn't so great plus the hours are much longer. Who knows which it'll be. I guess when you're going to school a job is a job.

Pity Party: I feel very disconnected lately. I am not sure why, I just do. I mean from everything. I am busy with school and adding a job. Church just seems to be a Sunday thing now. We are leading a small group for teens which is cool. I am going to focus on that and hopefully connect with some awesome teens. The group is small but that is okay because it is easier to build relationships with them. Monday, we had to cancel our meeting because Heather and I had a really hard/bad day. Wednesday, I had a horrible day. Here is to the weekend.

Thanks for indulging the pity party. It makes me feel better.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Good Night...

So, I am at Arsagas drinking blackberry tea. I am listening to The Shins. I did homework with my wife. So, all in all a pretty perfect night.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fall Break

So, apparently John Brown University has a ton of days in its academic year. So, we get a fall break to offset the amount of days we are in school. Pretty cool. So, today and tomorrow we get to do whatever. After, moving again this weekend fall break is awesome. I must say though that the weather in Arkansas is about to drive me crazy. We are on FALL aka Autumn break and it is 80 + degrees outside. I want cooler weather. I love COLD weather. Why oh why? Global warming...?