Monday, June 25, 2007

My quest...

Well today is my birthday. I decided that I wanted the book 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die. This book is clearly just someone's opinion. However, I think that it is a great way to read books I otherwise would have never heard of. So, the first book I picked of the list was entitled Crash (not to be confused with the Academy Award winning film). This book was written by J.G. Ballard. While this book probably would have never piqued my interest prior to this book. I decided to give it a try. The book is about people who obsess over car crashes and are aroused by them. Personally this is very foreign to me as I presume and hope it is to most people. The subject matter really had nothing to do with "autoeroticism" but rather the growing dependence on technology and perhaps even the fact that we seemingly are evolving in to creatures who can't function without technology. An interesting thought to say the least. I see some truth but hopefully we will never reach the level of "dependence" the characters in this book do. So, out of the 1001 books I have probably read 11 or 12 of them. I clearly have lots of reading to do. My next book will probably be On the Road by Jack Kerouac or A Room With a View by E.M. Forster.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


So, I promised pictures. I will eventually get them up. However, I have been super busy. So, I am about to turn 22 and that is pretty exciting. I love being married and my wife rocks my face off. So, I will try to blog soon. I am really trying to focus this summer on reading a lot of books. Especially since we are heading back to school. I want to read what I want. Peace.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Wedding

So, the wedding was amazing! I will post some pictures from it as soon as I can. We had an amazing morning. Robb married us and did an amazing job. He is such a great guy. He had a rough weekend and was still right on. He spoke briefly about love and it was perfect. The reception was awesome too! My parents did a really great job setting it all up. It was great. We had such a great time. There was a bump in the road but God will handle it. We are wrapping up here and Portland and it is so awe inspiring. God totally out did himself here. It is gorgeous. So, pictures soon. I promise. Thanks!