Sunday, April 29, 2007


I know that not a lot of people read this but I want you to know if you live in NW Arkansas you should all go to Vintage Fellowship it rocks!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rambling about art

So, I have had this thought permeating in my brain for the past few
days. I mean I love art. Art is a very vague word though. I mean there are 23 definitions on I am more specifically talking about art as in writing,music,painting, dancing, so on and so forth. I just find it interesting that art is such a huge part of everyone's life. I think the art we favor is what we want out of our lives. Art is also what we don't want out of life. In writing you can destroy someone or you can build them up. Not only that but writing can tell some of the most amazing stories that interweave throughout our lives. I mean the writing aspect alone has countless dynamics and all sorts of "stuff" for a lack of better words. Music is invevitable in our lives. We hear certain songs and they bring us back to a place good or bad. What is also interesting is that paintings have such varied responses. I love Jackson Pollack's work. However, some look at it and see random paint thrown on a canvas. Abstract art teaches us something. How we feel about it says a lot about us. Some, see craziness mixed with chaos. Some see beauty in the mess. Others see a million different things. This is the thought that won't leave me alone. Art, in all forms, is telling a bigger story than just what it seems to say. I know that sounds somewhat obvious but really. When you put yourself in the "art" you find you but you also get to walk in someone else's shoes. What does this have to do with anything? Well honestly nothing. I just needed to write about it to leave my head.

Monday, April 9, 2007


So, I have just started this blog I know that. However, I have been reading Matthew Paul Turner's blog "Jesus needs new pr" and often get a good laugh and he is very informative. I will call him MPT for the sake of space. MPT is an author he has written many amusing books. The first I read was The Christian Culture Survival Guide this book is a laugh riot. Anyway his blog often points out some pretty interesting things. Apparently James Dobson can determine if you are a christian or not. Seriously, where can I get a "God-phone" ? I swear people have a direct line to God by the way they act. Oh well. I just hate how the term "christian" as become such a source of pain for people. In high-school I was the evangelical christian's golden child. I went to church and youth group every sunday. I was dedicated to reading christian books and the Bible (which is still a good thing). I only listened to "christian" music. I even started working at a christian bookstore. Basically, I was the person that now annoys me. I don't know when it happened but I am thankful to God that it did. I started thinking for myself. I believe that through working at a christian bookstore and two internships at different churches. I saw a side of the church I never realized existed. People lie. People treat other people like crap. People use church as leverage in jobs and political positions. Most of all I feel that a lot of christians have this sense of entitlement. Why do christians have to feel ashamed? Why is it us versus them? When did the grace that Jesus taught about become thrown aside for legalism? I am not saying I am perfect. I am just saying that I got to this point and the people who annoy me the most are "christians". This is tragic. I don't know how to fix it. I just know it isn't right. I mean I could come up with my solutions all day. What I know through evidence in the Bible is that Jesus met people's physical needs first. He didn't yell at the lady who had the abortion or the gay couple wanting to get married. He helped them. I realize I put two very modern issues in there. These are the two that for some reason the "evangelical" church have decided to harp on. So, now when I tell people I am a christian I immediately have to defend my faith not on what Jesus did but what christians do now. We are hurting one another. I think this is why MPT gets it. He is satirical but it gives the situation perspective. James Dobson CAN NOT KNOW THE HEART OF MAN OR WOMAN. HE IS NOT GOD. The fact that he makes those comments worries me. There are people dying every day because of unhealthy water. These are important issues. They say that twenty somethings are idealistic. That is true. Honestly, what is wrong with idealism? Why do people who have become bitter feel the need to destroy the idealism. Why do my seniors feel the need to harp on certain issues and bring me down because I think Jesus taught love?

So, check out jesus needs new pr.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


I have worked at CBO for four and a half years. Christian retail is very interesting. Very. As of late I feel I am just going through the motions there. I am getting married in May then more than likely moving to Ft. Smith to finish college. So, when I get a day off from there I am thrilled. I love spending time with my fiancee. It always feels like we only have nights together. So, thursdays are one of those rare days we get to spend time together. Today, was fantastic. I mean this morning was rough. I woke up and felt kinda of crappy. I let my dog outside. he did his buisness. Then I came upstairs to finish sleeping. When I finally got up it was 11:37. Why the exact time who knows. So, I let the dog out again and made lunch. I went back upstairs and ate. Then Heather (that is my fiancee) was supposed to be here at 1:00. So, I went down stairs to meet her and there I discovered dog poop. JOY! So, I had to clean up crap. That immediately put me in an unhappy mood. I know that happiness is a choice. So, Heather and I headed up to Rogers or Hell that is what we call it. We watched The Reaping. We both wanted to see it and matinees are cheap. I was pleasantly suprised. Here is a link to the trailer The Reaping. Then we went to where Heather is a nanny. Then we went to imaginative writing. There is started snowing. In April. I love snow. I realize that it probably won't stick but it is pretty. I just love it. So, after class we drove through the snow to my house. Then we started watching Scrubs. I just love this show. So, even though the day started with crap I got to spend it with the most amazing woman alive. Heather is such a blessing from God. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

Old Post from a Xanga.

So, I have decided that I like this "blogger" stuff much better than that "Xanga" nonsense. I don't know why I just do. I think it is the layout but not that matters at all. This is the first post on here so hello everyone. I am going to link to my old xanga because I don't want to rewrite all that on here.