Friday, September 28, 2007

Why do people let you down?

I have always known that people will let you down. It is just sad when the people you expect to not let you down do. I know we can only truly rely on God to not let us down but it still hurts when people who are close to us don't seem to care. It simply amazes me that one comment can destroy someone. It is so sad how careless people can be with their words. However, in the times of feeling like proverbial red-headed step child God will put people in your life you never expected. When I expect a group of people to care and they don't who picks up the slack? Surprisingly, God puts people there who will. My parents and Heather's dad have really come through for us in the past few months. While they continue their support some professors at JBU are even bringing us food this weekend because we are moving for the 3rd time in the past 2 months. This is so incredible of them. I really feel like the faculty at JBU cares above and beyond their calls as Professors. This is just cool.