Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rambling about art

So, I have had this thought permeating in my brain for the past few
days. I mean I love art. Art is a very vague word though. I mean there are 23 definitions on I am more specifically talking about art as in writing,music,painting, dancing, so on and so forth. I just find it interesting that art is such a huge part of everyone's life. I think the art we favor is what we want out of our lives. Art is also what we don't want out of life. In writing you can destroy someone or you can build them up. Not only that but writing can tell some of the most amazing stories that interweave throughout our lives. I mean the writing aspect alone has countless dynamics and all sorts of "stuff" for a lack of better words. Music is invevitable in our lives. We hear certain songs and they bring us back to a place good or bad. What is also interesting is that paintings have such varied responses. I love Jackson Pollack's work. However, some look at it and see random paint thrown on a canvas. Abstract art teaches us something. How we feel about it says a lot about us. Some, see craziness mixed with chaos. Some see beauty in the mess. Others see a million different things. This is the thought that won't leave me alone. Art, in all forms, is telling a bigger story than just what it seems to say. I know that sounds somewhat obvious but really. When you put yourself in the "art" you find you but you also get to walk in someone else's shoes. What does this have to do with anything? Well honestly nothing. I just needed to write about it to leave my head.