Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A sleepless night...

It is 10:30 at night. Heather and I are feeling tired. We decide to take advantage of this. Without school our schedules are all sorts of out of whack. So, we are needless to say excited about 10:30. So, Heather immediately is out. Oh how I wish I was that person. It always takes me a long time to go to sleep. So, 11:30 rolls around and I am wide awake. I guess I'll get up and watch a TV show then head to bed. That became watching some Real World Special, Chelsea Handler, and 3 episodes of Cold Case. Yes that would be 5 hours of TV a bowl of grapes and some tea. Seriously? I just wanted to sleep. When 4 something rolled around I turned off the TV and tried again. I think I fell asleep at 5 something and woke up at 1. I need a schedule. I am seriously going to buy stock in Tylenol PM. Not a fan of not being able to sleep.


Candice Houston said...

Justin, we have more in common than mailboxes....

Anonymous said...

Hey homeslice! We missed you both Sunday!

G and I are leading worship again,soon. AND we wanted to get Heather in the mix. She has a beautiful voice.

Hope to see you soon!