Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Book of Job...

When I was a kid I thought the book of Job in the Bible was the place you went to to find a job. Later in life when I read the book I realized how wrong I was. I read Job along with a play called J.B. I read these in high school. Hopefully you know the gist. God and Satan are chatting and Satan says that Job only praises God b/c of what he has. God who had blessed him abundantly said that Satan could do what he wanted with Job but couldn't kill Job. So, Satan does a lot of stuff to Job. For example he kills all of his children and takes away his life stock. Job's friends tell Job to "curse God and die". I often felt his friends were absolutely ridiculous. Today I heard about some people who are followers of God but have had everything thrown at them but still praise God. Today, for the first time I understood why someone would say "curse God and die". I personally wouldn't say it but when everything is falling apart in your world it feels like maybe you should. This shows me that so much more Job was this amazing man of God. How we should strive for that. Also, it helped remind me that cursing God is merely a cop out and despite what we are going through there is light even when it feels like there isn't. Praise God and live.